3620 Pelham Road | Suite 175| Greenville| SC 29615


The Next Step...
August 15,2013

So what’s next?   When you finish speaking with a customer, both parties should walk away knowing exactly what comes next.  After clarifying that everyone is on the same page with hopes, expectations, thoughts, goals, etc. clear next steps should be defined… who does what now and when.

This takes practice.  It is easy to walk away felling all good about the new possibilities and relationship but if your new customer does not understand that you will be calling her back in two days to follow up on a particular piece of information, she is liable to put your visit or conversation on the backburner.  I have literally gotten out in my car, started taking my notes, and then immediately gotten out and gone back in because I realized that we were not clear on what will be happening next.  I NEED this step…to put in my calendar and hold myself accountable.

Even if the sales call is a successful “No” next steps should still be set.  Just because that a current business deal is not in the works does not mean you should forget the opportunity completely.  They will need your services eventually.  You spent too much of your time building rapport with that person to walk away and never call them again.  If you end the conversation with, “Well if it is okay with you, I am still going to touch base once a quarter to see if anything has changed?”  You will maintain contact and be the first person they think of when the need (or referral) does come up.

Angela Hester is a team member on the Spartanburg Downtown - I Got A Lead For You Team. Angela loves to share her years of experience in sales to open all of our eyes to the possiblities and missed opportunities.